I’m a Trinidadian currently living in Jamaica where I am a Research Fellow at the Caribbean Institute for Health Research. I’m also a certified nonfiction writer with the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts in Trini- dad and Tobago. I’ve worked in health policy and research for seven years and in culture and communications for twelve.
I’ve worked with government agencies, NGO’s and research institutes in the Caribbean and in the UK. I have seen filing cabinets stuffed with valuable data that never see the light of day because nobody was interested in reading the reports (you know the cabinets I speak of). This isolation of information leads to doubling of efforts over time, missed opportunities for collaboration, poor implementation of findings and unimpressed funders.
Fortunately, I’ve also worked as a corporate consultant, podcast host and magazine writer. So, I know how to write for a wide range of audiences and how to give the people what they want. By helping folks to easily digest the value of specialist work in health and culture, such as the findings of a dementia research project or the outcomes of a local festival, I can help you, the expert, get your work out there so it can make a real difference. At the end of the day, isn’t that what we all want?